Monday, May 16, 2016

Summer Reading with the HCS Digital Library

So Mrs. Woodruff, just how do we work those ebooks
from the Homewood Digital Library?

Miss Sloderbeck's students created instructional videos.
Watch this video and you will be an ebook expert!

In addition, Overdrive is providing an enhanced ebook collection (for free to us!!) that is only available during the month of June. So if you are into ebooks, check the HCS Digital Library during June and find some awesome limited-time-available titles. (At this time, I'm not sure how the site will look  or how you will know? I assume there will be a collection indicating the Juvenile Titles that fall into this special category.)

Friday, May 6, 2016

Keep Reading.................................

We are excited to announce:
The Fiction Shelves have moved!!
We now officially have 3 Fiction areas: Fiction Northwest (short picture books); Fiction West (short chapter books); and Fiction Southwest (loooooong chapter books). We are all getting used to the new arrangement, but everybody is finding good fit books and new favorites. Many thanks to our PTO volunteers who moved and shifted almost 6,000 books in one day!

And we are super excited to announce:
Edgewood Night at Homewood Public Library!!
We hope everyone participates in HPL’s Summer Reading Program…books + programs = fun! And be sure to join me and some of your favorite teachers on July 7 at 6:30 pm at the Homewood Public Library. We will enjoy an evening visiting with you and hearing about what you are reading. In addition, Edgewood Readers will be highlighted as the Birmingham Zoo shares some of their special friends. We are looking forward to this big night!

And we are over excited to share:
Little Free Libraries around Homewood!!
You’ve seen them in the park and down the street. Little Free Libraries are popping up everywhere! They are a fun way to pass on you own books and find new books to enjoy. Two of these wonder boxes were started by Edgewood alum Charlie McCalley: one library can be found in front of All Saints’ Church and the other at the Homewood Community Garden.

And finally:
THANKS for a great year in the Library!
Edgewood Readers are awesome. We’ve checked out over 65,000 books this year!!! That’s a lot of reading/learning fun!! And it could not have been done without the help of our fabulous Library Volunteers!! They get the books where the kids can find them. Thank you team!! In your honor, we have added the picture book by Jerry Pinkney: The Grasshopper and the Ant. You are each as busy and dedicated as the Ant, yet as joyful as the Grasshopper!

And as always:
Find GREAT summer reading suggestions…
Mrs. Woodruff’s Ultimate Book List gives a short description of many perfect books as well as suggestions for when you say “I want to read another book like…”
and from the HCS Digital Library.
You can checkout and read ebooks all summer long! Easily download great reads directly to your device or computer. Instructions (from Miss Sloderbeck’s students!!) included on the site.

Happy Reading!!
Mrs. Woodruff