Our Volunteers!

(Volunteers schedule their visits through our PTO Coordinators, 
but we are flexible and love to have you help whenever it fits your schedule! 

Please contact me if you would like to join us.)

The Edgewood Library provides books and materials for students and teachers. With this in mind, we each work to keep the Library in order.

Students use the handy Shelfmarker
to mark a book's spot on the shelf
in order to return books to their spot.
(Since each book has ONE right spot, 
each book has 9,999 wrong spots!)

But using the Shelfmarker correctly, and keeping books from falling over on the shelf, while finding that perfect book is hard! We believe a messy library is a good sign that the kids are using it. Still, we need our Library to look good and be in order so that students are able to find the books where the books are supposed to be.
In come our Favorite Volunteers! 
Our Library Volunteers save the day over and over and over again!
Our Library Volunteers shelve books
--a never ending chore--
so that students and teachers
can find what they need.
Our Library Volunteers can schedule a regular monthly visit
or drop in and shelve whenever they find time.
Our Library Volunteers
are the backbone of our Library!

Here are a few Tips on Shelving...
The Library is organized into two types of books: Fiction Books and Information Books. 

Information books are divided and shelved numerically by their Dewey Decimal Number, then alphabetically by the author’s last name.

Fiction books are divided into three sections based on the book's number of pages: FN for Fiction North has books that are 32 pages; FW for Fiction West has books that are 33 to 120 pages; and FS for Fiction South has books that have more than 120 pages. Within each Fiction Section, books are shelved alphabetically by the author’s last name. 

The books that need to be shelved are on carts in the section where those books belong. Please check those carts and shelve what you can. You do not need to empty a whole cart or carts.

Try to straighten the whole shelf as you shelve each book.

 Books lying on top of the shelves should be shelved or stood up.

Students use a ‘shelfmarker’ to keep a book’s place while they look at the book. If you find stray shelfmarkers that are not being used, please return them to the basket of shelfmarkers near the checkout desk. 

If you find something that you would love to read to your child, we’ll be glad to check it out to you!

 Ask questions! We are always glad to help.

Actually Shelving the Books...

All books are marked on the spine 
with the book’s address 
or call number 
(though sometimes it has no number, just letters).


The spine label for a picture book by Marc Brown looks like
FN Bro
This book is shelved in the Fiction North Section, in the B bookcase, alphabetically on the shelf by Bro.
The spine label for a short chapter book by Barbara Park looks like
FW Par
This book is shelved in the Fiction West Section, in the P bookcase, alphabetically on the shelf by Par.

The spine label for a fat chapter book by J.K. Rowling looks like
FS Row
This book is shelved in the Fiction South Section, in the R bookcase, alphabetically on the shelf by Row.

The spine label for a biography by Jean Fritz about George Washington looks like
B Was
This book is shelved in the Biography Section, in the W bookcase, alphabetically by Was with all other Washington biographies regardless of the author’s name.

The spine label for an information book by Rupert Nelson looks like
598.2 Nel
This book is shelved in the Information Section, numerically with the other 598.2s, then alphabetically under NEL. In the case of decimal numbers, lower numbers are shelved before higher numbers – or – “Nothing is shelved before Something.” As in…
551 , 551.1 , 551.5 , 551.59
629 , 629.2 , 629.13 , 629.23

The book's AR level is noted with a colored dot inside the backcover by the Library barcode. These levels do not indicate a particular shelving location in the Library.